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Suspended Body Weight (SBW) Award

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Suspended Body Weight (SBW) Award

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This is a practical, interactive course designed to provide theory and practical skills covering all aspects of Suspended Body Weight Training including the SBW Milokit. The training and progressive exercises are aimed at developing functional, transferable whole body weight strength power conditioning.

Availability: Please Contact Us For Availability






This is a practical, interactive course designed to provide theory and practical skills covering all aspects of Suspended Body Weight Training including the SBW Milokit. The training and progressive exercises are aimed at developing functional, transferable whole body weight strength power conditioning.


All trainers, conditioners, teachers, parents can access this programme which is ideal for all members of the population group including: young, amateur sports men and women, elite professionals to aging population and people with special educational needs.

Traditional weight machine based training and weight lifting have been proven to be less functional and not specific to human movement patterns, although weight lifting produces power in the vertical plane, it fails in most cases to strengthen multi directional movements such as: rotational, diagonal and multi planar. Suspended Body Weight Training is ideal for whole body training.

The Award explores the potential of Suspended Body Weight Training for all areas of the population, how it can be progressed, its benefits for all age groups and how it can become an important part of your elite conditioning programme.



  • To provide knowledge and practical skills to apply SBW to training a broad range of population group.
  • To introduce SBW its continuum and framework.
  • To demonstrate the SBW Training in improving a broad range of population groups performance.
  • To demonstrate SBW practical activities.
  • To learn important safety considerations.
  • To apply SBW Training as a stand-alone programme, a tool to use within existing programmes. Or to be included as part of an athletic or rehabilitation programme that is designed to develop on going potential.


  • On-going assessment of practical competence
  • Demonstrating and teaching activities from the SAQ® Continuum to other delegates.
  • 1 Multiple-Choice Questionnaire completed at home which includes Video analysis of movement



  • The Award typically runs from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.
  • Each of the 7 phases of the SBW Continuum is introduced using video, PowerPoint and practical inclusive demonstration. 
  • Delegates are advised to attend wearing sports clothing and to bring plenty of water. Depending on the venue lunch may or may not be provided.
  • If a delegate is injured or has a disability and unable to perform practically, they will still be able to complete the Award successfully by demonstrating the knowledge to coach.

Award Status

  • REPS 8 points for course + 2 for Home Study = 10
  • UK Coaching Framework compliant
  • Dyspraxia Foundation endorsed
  • Special Olympics GB endorsed
  • RFU recommended
  • Sports Coach UK signposted
  • World SAQ Qualification Organisation Level 2 + endorsed by Sport Specific Skill Acquisition Association.


Delegates will take away:

  • Resource book and DVD summarising the SBW Training Award.
  • An introduction level of knowledge and insight on how best to deliver the programme to your population group.
  • How to include SBW as part of a progressive, athletic/sports programme.
  • Continuum within school curriculum time, after school hours, in 1:1situations and small group sessions. assistants,

SAQ Continuum

  1. Dynamic Flex - Warm-up on the move
  2. Mechanics - The development of running form.
  3. Innervation - Fast feet, agility and control.
  4. Accumulation of Potential - Bringing together the previous in an SAQ training circuit.
  5. Explosion - The development of explosive 3 step multi-directional acceleration.
  6. Expression of Potential - Short competitive team games that prepare players for the next level of training.
  7. Warm down - reverse of Dynamic Flex


Who should attend?

Health and Fitness Professionals
Strength + Conditioners
People Working with Older Clients

NB REPS registered delegates should have a Level 2 Physical Activity for Children Award as a prerequisite.



“SAQ® sessions were a popular ‘change’
and appear to offer a relatively intense mode of
physical activity which compares most
favourably with other traditional PE
curriculum areas.”

“The use of SAQ® sessions may well prove to
be useful in engaging children in health
promoting physical activity.”

“The introduction of ‘fun’ circuit classes, in
conjunction with SAQ® equipment provides an
excellent vehicle to deliver bouts of vigorous
exercise for children.”
* Evidenced Based Research - 44 primary schools, 882
children evaluated by Durham University UK.






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