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The method of delivery and the timescale will vary, based on the product(s) ordered and the delivery location. The cost of delivery is dependent on the total weight of your order and the delivery location. As we offer such a wide range of products and locations that we deliver to, your delivery cost will be calculated and displayed in your shopping basket. The delivery cost is clearly displayed and you do not need to enter any personal details, except for the delivery Country and Postcode/Zip in order to receive a quotation.
If you would like a custom quotation for delivery to your specific location, please contact us on +44(0)1664 810101.
SAQ® International comply fully with United Kingdom Distance Selling Regulations.
You may return any unopened item within 14 days of receipt, to receive a full refund. We will refund your original payment method once we have received and inspected the returned item. Return delivery charges are your responsibility, unless we have sent a faulty or incorrect item.
Unfortunately, we cannot refund or exchange any item that has been opened, unless the item is faulty.
Under all circumstances, you must contact us before returning an item. You can do this by calling us on +44(0)1664 810101. Please do not return any item without first contacting us, as your refund or exchange will be significantly delayed. We reserve the right to refuse a returned item that has not followed this returns procedure. Once we have authorised a return, please ensure you securely package the item and include the original invoice. If the original invoice is not available, please clearly detail your invoice number, name and full address. We recommend that you use a delivery method that includes full insurance up to the total value of the items being returned.