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FM Award - 12th October 2019 - Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

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FM Award - 12th October 2019 - Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

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Availability: Please Contact Us For Availability

This is a very practical, interactive course delivering real skills to all abilities. SAQ® Training is a system of progressive exercise and instruction aimed at developing fundamental motor abilities, balance, co-ordination and ultimately complete control of body movement.



Pera Business Park

Nottingham Road

Melton Mowbray


LE13 0PB

Course commences at 9.15 am and finishes at 4.30 pm

Free parking is available in the business car park

PLEASE NOTE: The award will only go ahead if the minimum number of attendees required is met


Availability: Please Contact Us For Availability




This is a very practical, interactive course delivering real skills to all abilities. SAQ® Training is a system of progressive exercise and instruction aimed at developing fundamental motor abilities, balance, co-ordination and ultimately complete control of body movement.

All teachers, coaches, trainers and parents want youngsters and children to move with competence and confidence and to develop the desire to participate in sport and physical activity.

All children whatever their ability, age, size, shape or aspiration can improve their fundamental movement ability and build the foundations on which future sporting performance is based. Children will enjoy the variety, challenge and performance improvements that SAQ® Training can provide.

Interestingly there is now much evidence to show the impact of SAQ® Fundamental Movement Training on children’s overall learning, handwriting development and mathematics skills, improvements in concentration and behaviour, as well as physical development.




  • To provide teachers, teaching assistants, coaches, and parents, and those involved in physical education, sports coaching and recreational physical activity with knowledge and practical skills to apply SAQ® FM Training to the 4 – 12 year age group.
  • To introduce the SAQ® Continuum, the framework around which SAQ® FM Training is structured.
  • To demonstrate the role of SAQ® FM Training in improving fundamental movements and athletic performance.
  • To be able to demonstrate SAQ® activities
  • To learn important safety considerations.
  • To understand how SAQ® FM Training can be applied as a stand-alone programme, a ‘tool’ to use within existing work or as an intervention to improve the Gifted & Talented or develop those of more modest potential. 


  • On-going assessment of practical competence
  • Demonstrating and teaching activities from the SAQ® Continuum to other delegates.
  • 1 Multiple-Choice Questionaire completed at home which includes Video analysis of movement


  • The Award typically runs from 9am - 3.30/4pm
  • Each of the 6 phases of the SAQ® Continuum are introduced using video and power point, followed by practical performance and review.
  • Delegates are advised to attend wearing sports clothing and to bring plenty of water. Lunch is not normally provided.
  • If a delegate is unable to perform practically, they will still be able to complete the Award successfully.

Award Status

  • UK Coaching Framework compliant
  • Dyspraxia Foundation endorsed
  • Special Olympics GB endorsed
  • RFU recommended
  • Sportscoach UK signposted.
Recent Feedback 
FM Award at Harris Academy in Rugby,
Angela Horley “Fabulous Course, loved it! Learnt so much and excited to try it with the children I work with. Thank you!”

Delegates will take away:

  • A comprehensive Resouce Book and dvd summarising SAQ® FM Training for children
  • Insights on how to best use SAQ® FM Training and the SAQ® Continuum within school curriculum time, after school hours, in 1:1situations and small group sessions.assistants,


Who should attend?

Teachers, teaching assistants, coaches and parents - literally anyone with a keen interest in improving movement and learning ability in children.

NB REPS registered delegates should have a Level 2 Physical Activity for Children Award as a prerequsite.

What people have said

"Teachers have completely changed their approach to delivering fundamental motor skills to both primary and secondary aged pupils." Leigh Marshall - PDM, Coopers Company and Coburn, Sports College Partnership, Upminster

"SAQ® FM Training plays an important role within our partnership, particularly in encouraging teachers to be innovative and to think about developing pupils’ generic movement skills. Geoff Sheldon - Chief Physical Education Inspector, County Durham

"I feel like I’ve re-trained and have re-gained the same level of inspiration I once had" Award evaluation

"The practical element to the FM-Award was invaluable - this made it all relevant and put it into a teaching context." Award evaluation

"A very enjoyable day that really made me think about fundamental principles of movement. I can really see how these techniques are going to benefit the development of ALL children." Award evaluation

FM Award £130 

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