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During the past 20 years SAQ® International has earned an unparalleled reputation throughout the world for providing innovative movement training solutions, bespoke consultancy services and supplying professional grade SAQ® Equipment. SAQ® International has worked extensively within the education sector, developing sports and PE training courses for those involved in youth development, including our Fundamental Movement and Early Essential Movement Pattern awards, as well as high quality PE and school sports equipment including resource cards packed with activities.
Delivering a Physical Education experience that caters for all is a fundamental requirement of all Primary, Secondary and SEN education. A Physical Education that lays a physical and cultural foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity is widely agreed to be a sociological necessity. SAQ® Awards, SAQ® Resources and SAQ® Equipment enable specialists and non-specialists to use the simple structure of the SAQ® Continuum to develop and deliver Physical Education and offer dynamic, flexible and engaging physical activity solution to children and young people.
Structure plays a vital role in facilitating and motivating the journey through life. Structure is similarly important in the establishment and development of an individual’s movement ability. The SAQ® Continuum has been developed by experts and is proven to structure the delivery of training to very young people, providing a flexible, adaptive and easy to use tool.
The Fundamental Movement Award and Early Essential Movement Patterns Award have been developed for primary school teachers, classroom assistants and parents who wish to use the SAQ® Continuum. Undertake the undamental Movement Award and the Early Essential Movement Patterns Award and deliver balanced, high-quality Physical Education that is fun, challenging, inclusive and full of variety.
In terms of physical development, a young person’s Secondary School career is defining. It combines very significant ‘skills learning’ with opportunities for more complex practice and typically features challenging physical games and some experience of sport. An individual’s fundamental movement competency will have a significant effect on the ability to participate in such activities and the quality of that participation.
The SAQ® Continuum uniquely adapts to allow all students to enjoy high quality Physical Education. Athletic students, those identified as Gifted and Talented, can develop and improve their movement and activity specific ability and in so doing emulate thousands of sportspeople who use SAQ® Training to optimise their professional performance. Students of more modest ability can be engaged in exactly the same training activities and similarly develop and improve their performance, becoming better equipped and motivated to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Establishing and developing the abilities of those with learning or physical movement difficulties is a huge challenge for parents and those that work in this field. Moving with greater ease or range can improve an individual’s quality of life in ways not otherwise possible.
Are you able to recognise the signs of delayed and restricted development? Is it difficult to fully integrate your children in mainstream PE lessons? Do you fully understand potential causes and associated problems with your specific children? The Special Education Movement Award has been developed for school teachers, classroom assistants and parents who wish to use the SAQ® Continuum.
A professional consultancy service is available from SAQ® International. Simply get in touch and request more information.